Article 1
Of changing part of the name of Economics (Journal published by Institute), replacing part of the name "Economic Theory and Analysis", future full name will be: "Economics" - Innovative and Economics Research Journal".
Taking to consideration notions of evaluators of Scopus Index Centre, that part of the journals name we mentioned is already in use by many journals of economic science around the world, they suggested us more up-to-date name, which could represent something new.
Analyzing complete state and evaluating most recent needs of economic science and science at all, Collegium unanimously decided for new and more complete name, and it is: Economics - Innovative and Economics Research Journal.
Journal keeps the same ISSN and E-ISSN, as we were suggested in consultations by University Libary of BiH. For proving that we have official e-mail from Library.
Article 2
This Decree is effective from the day of passing.